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The Purpose Of Prophecy

Prophetic Witness - January 2020
The Bible says this about itself: ‘All Scripture is God-breathed and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.’ 2 Timothy 3:16-17. Do we believe that all Scripture is ‘God-breathed’? Let us think through the implications of this statement for a moment. If God actively inspired each book, chapter and verse that we have in the canon of Scripture, then each passage of text has a divinely-inspired purpose, i.e. each passage carries a message that God wants us to know.

Why Does Salvation Require The Cross?

Why Does Salvation Require The Cross?
At the very heart of the Gospel message lies the Cross. The Cross is not just an important part of the Gospel message, it is the essential part of it, because the message of the Cross explains the means by which God reconciles us (sinners) to Himself and saves us from the terrible judgement that would otherwise await us. Without the Cross, there is no Gospel at all (no good news), because there is no salvation. In view of its pivotal importance, you would expect that if there was one thing that the Church understood well, it would be the necessity and work of the Cross. We as Christians should know this subject intimately. But do we?

Climate Change

Climate Change

Climate Change

Alfred Knights

As silently as dawn heralds a new day, so it seems that Climate Change has invaded Planet Earth. For centuries the snow caps and icebergs have dominated the polar regions then suddenly we hear the snow caps are receding and the icebergs disintegrating, whilst around the world unusual weather patterns are devastating towns and cities with a terrible loss of life.

Global Warming

Global Warming
The Science page article on global warming in the Daily Telegraph of 29th Sept. 2004 began by stating: “The Earth's atmosphere is so polluted that the planet is dying.” In a speech on 14th Sept. 2004, UK Prime Minister Tony Blair said he was “shocked” by the latest scientific forecasts on the “alarming and unsustainable” consequences of global warming, adding that even in his lifetime the impact on the world could be so far-reaching and “irreversible in its destructive power” that it altered human existence radically. For “the latest scientific forecasts” we will turn to Dr Mayer Hillman, Senior Fellow Emeritus, Policy Studies Institute, who wrote the book, How We Can Save the Planet (Penguin, 2004), and an article in The Independent Review of 27th May 2004.